Dr. Sarah Kyle, founder of Get Dateable

I’m Dr. Sarah Kyle, founder of Get Dateable.

Over my 25+ years as a therapist in private practice, I’ve worked with hundreds of amazing clients, many of them single and looking for love. These are folks who have seen success in every area of their lives, but are struggling to find the right partner. Online dating seems to be the way to go, but the apps are frustrating. Potential matches can be dishonest about who they really are. The process of meeting in person can be dragged out endlessly. Ghosting is a regular occurrence, so there is often no feedback about what went wrong.

Seeing clients’ irritation and discontentment led me to the idea of helping them get relief from the brutality of dating by teaching them how to make small, powerful shifts that are completely changing the dating game for them. The idea has taken shape since then, resulting in the creation of an exclusive community of singles who are learning and growing together.

Rachel A. Howell, M.Ed. is a partner and coach at Get Dateable

Rachel A. Howell, M.Ed. is a partner and coach at Get Dateable.

She brings 30+ years of research and training experience to the company, and her innate curiosity about human relationships makes her a perfect fit for her role. Rachel’s work includes a range of problem-solving and planning efforts as well as a unique approach to community engagement. She is an accomplished facilitator whose years of experience in education and mental health lend credibility and value to her work.

Note: Rachel is also a proud member of Austin’s LGBTQIA community and a Federal Club member of the Human Rights Coalition (HRC). 

How do I know if Get Dateable is for me?

Anyone can access Get Dateable's video resources and 1:1 coaching!

Membership in the exclusive Get Dateable Community is for you if:

  • You’re looking for a more successful, fulfilling dating life
  • You’re open to learning and growing
  • You are a success-oriented person
  • You have high standards for yourself and those around you
  • You are a man or woman looking for a relationship with a man or a woman
  • You are interested in being in a monogamous relationship
  • You are emotionally mature and stable

Get Dateable is not for you if:

  • You’re looking for a hookup or a date for this weekend
  • You’re not fully single (yet)
  • You think you have nothing left to work on
  • Your primary interest is non-monogamy
  • You’re unkind
Romantic partners hugging

What folks are saying...

It’s a numbers game!” “Don’t take it personally….” “Just try and have fun!” If I never have to coach another client on how to endure the torture of online dating, it will be too soon. I’m sending all of my single clients to “Get Dateable.” Thank God there is FINALLY a better way for people to find love!

Megan About

Board Certified Coach and Founder of Fruition Coaching LLC

I love the whole concept of “Get Dateable,” but I am especially impressed with the “dateability” assessment Dr. Kyle created. It’s a comprehensive tool to evaluate an individual’s overall health and well-being, efficiently zeroing in on areas that may be holding someone back from the successful relationship they desire. Her model is going to save people a tremendous amount of time, money and general anguish when it comes to dating.

Joseph Bosarge

Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist

I’ve been very successful in every area of my life except romantic relationships. I felt so stuck, lost and frustrated when it came to dating, that I often just closed myself off to love altogether. This created a brutal loneliness masked by a smile of fake happiness. I worried I might always be alone. Then I found “Get Dateable” and it is changing everything for me! The Get Datable program is helping me finally feel ready for and deserving of love and remove the unconscious blocks I didn’t know I had to finding a quality partner. Dr Kyle, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You changed my life forever!