August 5, 2024

Written by

Sarah Kyle

Are You In Alignment To Find Your Match?

Discover if you're ready to meet your perfect match! Learn how aligning your goals and values can lead to lasting love. Check out our latest blog post for more!

At Get Dateable we’ve been talking a lot about alignment this month, asking our members to take a look at whether the things they’re offering a partner are lined up with what they’re asking for. We’ve heard from someone who is a heavy smoker and drinker, but describes their ideal partner as “someone focused on their health”. We met with an individual who is dating multiple people, not being up front about that, but looking for someone who’s honest and monogamous. A third person we spoke with is looking for someone “stylish and fashionable”, but this person has seemingly not updated their wardrobe in the last decade. These folks don’t realize they are sabotaging their own efforts by looking for a partner who isn’t in alignment with them in their current state.

We suggest doing this assignment to check your alignment: make a list of the qualities of your ideal partner, then take an honest assessment of whether or not you are bringing these things to the table. To be clear, it can be really helpful to find a partner who has different strengths than you do. But when it comes to basic core qualities like honesty, health, emotional maturity, and physical appearance, you can’t expect to get something you’re not offering in return. 

If you haven’t yet achieved the things on your list of what you’re looking for in a partner, use this as an aspirational way to make some changes. The energy you put into becoming your best self will inherently set things in motion to begin attracting a different kind of person. We often think, “I’ll do that when…”, as in, “Well of course if I had a partner I wouldn’t leave all these dirty dishes in the sink.” Or, “When I meet someone I’ll start working out.” Or, “I’m going to quit smoking as soon as I find the right person.” Don’t wait! Start becoming the person you most want to be, and the partner you most want will be drawn to you. 

What is one small action you can take today to get yourself in alignment with your desires for your ideal partner? Share your thoughts with us here!

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